We are pleased to announce our new partnership with the Psychonomic Society (PS). As of January 1, AMC began providing management services to PS.
Founded in 1959, PS’s mission is to foster the science of cognition through the advancement and communication of basic research in experimental psychology and allied sciences. PS has an international membership of more than 4,300 scientists who conduct cognitive research on memory, learning, problem solving, decision making, language, and perception. PS publishes 7 peer-reviewed journals and holds a large annual meeting.
“We are very happy to serve the Psychonomic Society,” says Scott Engle, AMC CEO. “The Society’s members are leading researchers in an expanding scientific field, and we look forward to leveraging our expertise managing scientific and healthcare associations to broaden their reach and help them thrive in a changing association landscape.”
PS’s executive director, Louis Shomette, will lead a team of AMC staff who will provide operations, education, program, and meeting planning support.
“We are excited to be partnering with AMC,” says Shomette. “We are impressed by their staff’s deep knowledge and experience, breadth of resources, and strong policy and procedural controls. Together, we will work to help the Society realize its mission, forge a path for future growth and success, and continue to advance the field.”